Parley Cricket Club

Parley Cricket Club

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Parley CC Safeguarding

Safeguarding - Club Safeguarding Officer Details/Qualifications

Parley CC Safeguarding Policy

  • Parley Safeguarding Policy - April 2024.pdf
  • Changing-Rooms-and-Showering-Facilities.pdf

Codes of Conduct

For Players

  • clubmark-pcc_players_code_of_conduct_2019.docx

For Coaches

  • pcc_coaches_code_of_conduct_2019.docx

For Members and Guests

  • clubmark-pcc_code_of_conduct.docx

For Parents/Guardians

The club is greatly appreciative for the contribution that parents and guardians make to Parley Cricket Club. We in turn hope that parents/guardians will undertake the following:

  1. Remember that children play cricket for their own enjoyment and not yours.
  2. Encourage children to participate and not to force them.
  3. Focus on the efforts of each youth and their performance rather than whether they win, lose or make mistakes.
  4. Encourage all youths to play cricket in accordance with the laws of the game remembering etiquette and Parley Cricket Club’s Code of Conduct for players.
  5. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials and opponents.
  6. Parents/guardians must respect all officials’ decisions and encourage their children to do likewise.
  7. Set a good example by encouraging fair play and applauding good performances for all players whether they represent Parley Cricket Club or not.
  8. Support all efforts to remove verbal abuse and dissent from cricket.
  9. Provide the club/coach/team manager/official with details of any illness, allergies or injury and any situation where medication should be taken.
  10. Supervise any other family members or friends of their children and family whilst at an organised match or coaching session.
  11. Support the coach or team manager in any way that they can.

Child Protection

For any queries, please contact our Club Safeguarding Officer:

Parley Cricket Club has the ECB Club mark accredited status.

​The purpose of the Club mark is to identify and acknowledge those clubs that have demonstrated that they are properly and efficiently managed, provide a safe environment for young player to learn and enjoy their sport and have a high standard of equity and ethics towards all members.

All clubs that have gained the ECB Club mark status are nationally recognised as being run in a safe, effective and child friendly manner.


When Parley Cricket Club received the ECB Club mark, they also fully integrated Safe Hands, the current ECB guidelines on the Welfare of Young People in Cricket.

Positions of Trust

  • Positions-of-Trust-Update-July-2022.pdf

ECB Safeguarding Strategy

  • ECB-Safeguarding-Strategy 2025-2028

Safeguarding Contacts

Our Partners

Hoare Lea
High Trees Carpentry
Hoare Lea
High Trees Carpentry
members nameclub role
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